【姓名】: 陈科
【性别】: 男
【民族】: 汉族
【年级】: 2017级博士
【目前工作单位】: 郑州大学电气工程学院
【联系方式】: chenke_zixf@163.com/chenke.zixf@gmail.com
【研究方向】: 进化算法、特征操作、智能机器人、图像分类、进化深度学习
Journal Article
[1] Ke Chen, Fengyu Zhou, Lei Yin, Shuqian Wang, YugangWang, Fang Wan, A hybrid particle swarm optimizer with sine cosineacceleration coefficients,InformationSciences, 2018, 422: 218-241. (SCI, IF=5.524)
[2] Ke Chen, Fengyu Zhou, Aling Liu, Chaoticdynamic weight particle swarm optimization for numerical function optimization, Knowledge-Based Systems,2018, 139: 23-40. (SCI, IF=5.101)
[3] Ke Chen, Fengyu Zhou, Yugang Wang, Lei Yin, Anameliorated particle swarm optimizer for solving numerical optimizationproblems, Applied SoftComputing, 2018, 73: 482-496. (SCI, IF=4.873)
[4] Ke Chen, Fengyu Zhou, Xianfeng Yuan, HybridParticle Swarm Optimization with Spiral-Shaped Mechanism for Feature Selection, Expert Systems withApplications, 2019, 128: 140-156. (SCI, IF=4.292)
[5] Peifeng Niu,*Ke Chen****, Yunpeng Ma, Xia Li, Aling Liu, Guoqiang Li, Modelturbine heat rate by fast learning network with tuning based on amelioratedkrill herd algorithm, *Knowledge-BasedSystems*, 2017, 118: 80-92. (**SCI, IF=5.101, Corresponding Author)
[6] Chao Liu, Peifeng Niu, Guoqiang Li, Yunpeng Ma,Weiping Zhang, Ke Chen, Enhanced shuffled frog-leaping algorithm for solving numerical function optimization problems, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,2018, 29(5): 1133- 1153. (SCI, IF=3.535)
[7] Peifeng Niu,*Ke Chen****, Aling Liu, Yunpeng Ma, Zhen Zhao, Guoqiang Li, Studyon the Optimal Initial Pressure of a Steam Turbine Unit Based on Krill HerdAlgorithm, *Journal ofChinese Society of Power Engineering*, 2017, 37(8): 615-621. (**Corresponding Author, In Chinese)
[8] Peifeng Niu,Ke Chen, Yunpeng Ma, Qingchong Zhao, Guoqiang Li, Modellingof Turbine Heat Rate Based on Krill Herd Algorithm and Its Application, Journal of Chinese Society ofPower Engineering, 2016, 36(10):781-787. (In Chinese)
[9] Yunpeng Ma,Peifeng Niu, Ke Chen, Shanshan Yan, Guoqiang Li, OptimizeNOx emissions model of boiler based on chaos group teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm, ActaMetrologica Sinica, 2017, 39(1): 125-129. (In Chinese)
[10] Xia Li, Peifeng Niu, Yunpeng Ma, Ke Chen,Qiuya Wang, NOxemission reduction of a boiler based on ameliorated chicken swarm optimization, Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering, 2017, 37(4): 293-300. (In Chinese)
[11] Peifeng Niu, Zhen Zhao, Yunpeng Ma, Ke Chen,Qiuya Wang, Qingchong Zhao, Model improvement for Boiler NOx emissionbased on wind driven optimization algorithm, Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering, 2016,36(9): 732-738. (In Chinese)
[12] Peifeng Niu, Qiuya Wang, Yunpeng Ma, QingchongZhao, Ke Chen, Zhen Zhao, Study on NOxEmission from Boiler Based on Quantum Adaptation Bird Swarm Algorithm, Acta Metrologica Sinica,2017, 38(6): 770-775. (In Chinese)
Conference paper
[13] Ke Chen, Fengyu Zhou, Bing Xue, ParticleSwarm Optimization for Feature Selection with Adaptive Mechanism and NewUpdating Strategy, AustralasianJoint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Cham, 2018:419-431.
[14] 基于改进粒子群算法的数据特征选择方法及系统,编号:201810844459.8, 实质审查中。
Journal of Computational and AppliedMathematics(SCI收录)
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation(SCI收录)
Soft Computing (SCI收录)
Journal of Jilin UniversityEngineering and Technology Edition
Chinese Automation Congress & Intelligent Manufacturing InternationalConference (CAC & CIMIC 2017)
Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2017)
2018:“华为杯”第十五届中国研究生数学建模竞赛 全国三等奖
2018:山东大学研究生优秀学术成果奖 二等奖
2017:“华为杯”第十四届中国研究生数学建模竞赛 全国二等奖
2018年11月-2020年12月 惠灵顿维多利亚大学 公派联合培养(两年)
2017年9月-2021年6月 博士就读于山东大学模式识别与智能系统专业
2014年9月-2017年1月 硕士就读于燕山大学控制工程专业
2010年9月-2014年6月 本科就读于潍坊学院自动化专业
[2] 国家自然科学基金:新型神经网络算法研究及其在锅炉燃烧优化中的应用(项目批准号:61403331)。
[3] 国家自然科学基金:基于云的服务机器人在线故障自诊断方法研究(项目批准号:61773242)
[4] 河北省自然科学基金:双线性神经网络算法研究及其在煤粉炉燃烧过程中的应用(项目批准号:F2016203427)。
[5] 国家重点研发计划: 服务机器人云服务平台(项目批准号:2017YFB1302400)
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